The club shop will be obtaining a supply of Ramsdens Cup Final programmes after the final takes place. The programmes cost £3 (+£1 P&P where applicable). If you would like to order one please call at the Club Shop tomorrow before or after the match. These should also be available to order online.
Extra Opening Times for Club Shop
The club shop will be open between 2pm and 4pm on Wednesday afternoon, and between 10am and 12 noon next Saturday morning for any special purchases you want to make ahead of the Ramsdens Cup Final. It will of course also be open before and after tomorrow`s home game against Brechin City.
Please be advised that owing to staff holidays the main club office will be closed for most of next week and callers will therefore not be able to gain access to the shop at other times next week. However, the Queens Trust stall in the Loreburn Centre will be open from 10am to 2pm daily next week carrying a range of stock, including official club products.