The club are pleased to announce that Queens fans will be able to take advantage of two special hospitality offers, at the Braidwood Motor Compnay Stadium, for the upcoming Ramsdens Cup Final, against Partick on Sunday 7th April.
The first is the Corporate Dining Directors Lounge package, which includes:
• Private Car Park
• 3 Course meal with wine
• Corporate Seats (situated on half way line)
• Half-time tea/coffee/snacks
• Pre & Post match pay bar
• Match day Magazine & Team Sheet
Cost: £80 + VAT per person
The second is the Stadium Bar package, which includes
- Pay bar, pre and post match
- Currie dish on arrival
- Match ticket
Cost : £25 Adults , £10 Concessions

If you require any further information or wish to make a booking please contact
Charles Burnett on 01506 417000 or by email:
[email protected]