AGM Key Points

Around 70 shareholders attended last night’s Annual General Meeting held at the Nith Hotel. 

During his speech, the Chairman offered his thanks to the supporters groups, staff and volunteers who help keep the club running full time at a competitive level.

As Craig Paterson gave his financial report he confirmed that the club had overturned an operating loss of around £200,000 from the previous year had made a profit of just of £60,0000 during 2018/19 season.

Wullie Gibson talked through his role at the club and informed shareholders of the work he has already undertaken and some of his plans for the future.  We will share these in a separate post in due course.

Dan Armstrong reminded shareholders of how much work the club are involved in throughout the community.  He gave some moving feedback from the kids who attend the breakfast club and the Why Try programme.  We will aim to share these with all supporters in the coming days and weeks.

Other news in brief:

Mark Blount was re-elected as a Director.

The Chairman confirmed the club will remain full-time next season.

Manager, Allan Johnston answered questions shareholders had regarding the playing squad.

The Chairman confirmed that World of Sport was still being pursued but that with the decline in the High Street’s across the whole of the UK it was a difficult time to secure investors. However, they hoped to be able to confirm plans for an indoor tennis facility in the next few months.

Facilities at King George V and Lochmaben Community centre were doing well and now offered a wider range of activities other than football.

The Arena is almost at capacity and continues to generate income for the club.